National Highway and Motorway Police Jobs April 2024 going to announce 2331+ Seats all over Pakistan through an online job portal If you’re looking forward to Motorway Police Jobs in Pakistan, there is good news! You are at the right place. We have put complete details of vacant positions and applying procedure below. The official advertisement can be seen below.
In pursuance of the Federal Government Recruitment Policy regarding recruitment to the posts in BS-01 to BS-05 on a local basis, applications are invited for recruitment against 490 vacant posts of the following non-uniformed cadres (BS-01 & BS-05) purely on a temporary basis in NHMP from Pakistani National belonging to the Districts as mentioned in this advertisement as well as women, minority & disabled quotas.
- Junior Petrol Officer (BS-07)
- Assistant (BS-15)
- Stenotypist (BS-14)
- Photographer (BS-13)
- UDC (BS-13)
- Field Assistant (BS-11)
- LDC (BS-11)
- Paramedical Staff (BS-07)
- The interested/ eligible candidates, who fulfill the above mentioned criteria, shall apply online through National Job Portal (NJP) official website
- No application submitted by hand or through mail will be accepted under any circumstances.
- Candidates are advised to fill in the entire application form carefully, particularly ensure correct entries of personal particulars, name of post, domicile, educational qualification, religion, gender, nature of disability (for non-uniform posts), driving license (for C/JPO) & date of birth.
- Separate online application form shall be used to apply for more than one post. Incomplete applications, applications received after closing date service or by hand will not be entertained. , applications submitted through postal/courier.
- For the post of Junior Patrol Officer (BS-07), Physical Test will include height/chest measurement and running test (01 Mile-run in 08 minutes for male candidates and 01 Mile-run in 15 minutes for female candidates).
- Candidates are advised to bring their own joggers and bottle of drinking water on the date of physical test.
- Short listed candidates for the post of Junior Patrol Officer (BS-07) will be required to compete in written, driving proficiency test & interview.
- The candidates applying for Non-Uniformed posts (S. No. 02 to 08) will undergo written/skill test & interview.
- Government employees upto the age of 25 years are eligible to apply for the post of Junior Patrol Officer (BS-07).
- Any kind of age relaxation will not be admissible to the candidates for the post of C/JPO (BS-07).
- 05 years General Age Relaxation in upper age limit shall be granted as per Government Rules only for Non-Uniformed Posts at S. No. 02 to 08.
- The last date to apply online for National Highway and Motorway Police Jobs is 31st May 2024.