Pak Army Central Ordnance Depot COD Kala Jhelum Jobs 2023 announced in Punjab. If you’re looking forward to COD Jobs in Pakistan then there is good news for you
You are at the right place. We have put complete details of vacant positions and the application procedure below on this page. The Official advertisement can also be seen below. Applications are invited from Pakistani Nationals for the following positions. Both males and females who fulfill the eligibility criteria can apply for these posts. Age limit, qualification, experience, and domicile prescribed for the posts are mentioned against each in the advertisement given below.
- Fire Supervisor
- CMD Civil Driver
- LTV Driver
- HTV Driver
- Leader Fireman
- Tailor
- Impostor
- USM Labor
- Mali
- Gardener
- Data Entry Operator (DEO)
- Store Keeper
- Upper Division Clerk
- Assistant Store Keeper
- Storeman
- Candidates must send their applications to the Commandant, COD Kala, and Jhelum along with the attested copies of the following documents
- Educational documents
- Experience Certificates
- Domicile
- Postal Order
- Candidates Should Submit a postal order of RS 100-/ in the favor of Commandant, COD Kala Jhelum.
- Applicants can Apply for only one Post.
- The last date to Submit the application form for Pak Army Central Ordnance Depot COD Kala Jhelum is 13th November 2023.